A busy summer here on the Seacoast has begun!
On June 3rd, these shining students gave beautiful performances at our end-of-year Voice Recital! It was a wonderful afternoon of music, and I was so proud of each of them for how far they've come this year.
This Recital was a particularly special memory for me as it will be my last at Christ Church with this amazing group of kids before I relocate to NYC in the Fall. This move will be incredibly bittersweet as I have loved my here in NH and with these special young performers at Pine Street Players. I can't wait to see all that they will accomplish in the coming years when I come and visit! I am looking forward to our final weeks of lessons together, and returning to Exeter to see them in their Fall Musical, Pasek & Paul's James and the Giant Peach this November.

Last week, rehearsals for The Bridges of Madison County began at Hackmatack Playhouse! This is my first summer-stock theatre experience and the process has been lots of fun so far. I feel very fortunate to be working with and learning from such a talented group of actors and directors- and in such a beautiful location! Performances begin July 25th and run through August 11th in South Berwick, Maine.
As I prepare to leave Portsmouth and head to the city in late August, I plan to soak up as much singing (and sun) as I possibly can! Stay tuned for more updates and new media soon!
#SeacoastNH #ExeterNH #Voice #VoiceStudio #VoiceInstructor #VoiceStudents #VoiceRecital #Summer #NewYorkCity #Portsmouth #TheBridgesofMadisonCounty #JasonRobertBrown #JamesandtheGiantPeach #Exeter #HackmatackPlayhouse #SummerStockTheatre #SummerTheatre #MusicalTheatre #SouthBerwick #Maine #NewHampshire #Farm #HackmatackFarms #PineStreetPlayers #YouthTheatre #Singer #Vocalist